
Hi, I'm Prasanthi Vasanthakumar.

Simply put, writing is my thing. I truly believe that words, in the right order, can make magic.

What I can do

I’ve been playing with words since I was a child, and to this day, there’s nothing I love more. That’s why I have 15 years of professional experience writing brands to life. I have written and edited everything from annual reports, e-newsletters and press releases to magazine articles, blog posts and tweets. In a way, I am a word chameleon – I can change style, tone and voice to reach and influence any audience.

My work style

I am deadline-driven, grammatically correct and obsessed with data.
But that doesn’t mean I always play by the rules. I like to take calculated risks and get creative with content – because no one wants to engage with boring. This is how I make a brand connect and resonate with its audience.

Every brand has a story. Let me tell yours.

“Prasanthi is a word whiz, producing compelling magazine articles, media releases, blogs and op-eds in record time. She has a well-honed ability to make complex issues easy to read and understand. Never rattled under pressure, Prasanthi is a strong, quiet presence in any hectic project.


Joyce Reynolds,  former Executive Vice President, Government Affairs, Restaurants Canada (retired)